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Awards ceremony for educational competition

On Friday, 17th of June, the competition among Home Economics educators, that was announced earlier this year by the Cyprus Food and Nutrition Museum, came to an end with the awards ceremony taking place at the Ministry of Culture and Education. To participate in the competition the educators had to choose and work with their school groups on one of the three proposed lesson plans that were created by the Museum in the framework of Europeana Food and Drink project. The lesson plans were developed around three topics: Cypriot traditional and modern breakfast, grains and bread, vines and wine.

The event started with welcome notes by the Inspector of the Home Economics subject in High Schools, Mrs Eva Neophytou, the President of Board of the Cyprus Food and Nutrition Museum, Dr Chrystalleni Lazarou, the Director of High Education in Cyprus, Dr Kyprianos Louis, who read a speech on behalf of the Minister of Education and Culture and Dr Photis Papadimas, Assistant Professor at the Cyprus University of Technology. All of the speakers emphasized on the importance of introducing students from a young age to the Cypriot gastronomic culture and the benefits of Mediterranean cuisine for health and well-being.

Following the speeches, Dr Louis introduced the first three winning teams of the competition and presented the awards to the students, teachers and school directors. Then, the three teachers had the opportunity to present briefly their work, the way they adjusted the lesson plans to meet the needs and interests of their student groups, the results they noted and also the impact on their students. School boards were also set in the space of the event with photographs, assignments and projects that were created during the lessons so the attendees could enjoy the creativity and originality of the students' work.

The Cyprus Food and Nutrition Museum is very thankful to the Ministry of Education and Culture and especially to Mrs Eva Neophytou and Mrs Despo Loizou for supporting this effort from the very beginning, the Europeana Food and Drink project for giving us the opportunity to create something valuable for nutrition education in Cyprus and finally all the teachers and students that embraced the lesson plans and competition and did their best to achieve those remarkable results!

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